Waltham Amateur Radio Association, Incorporated -- By Laws

Article 1  -  Name

Waltham Amateur Radio Association

Article 2  -  Purpose

Insofar as permitted to corporations under Chapter 180 of the General Laws, without profit, to promote knowledge and interest in radio, television, communications and electronics in general by meetings, lectures, demonstrations, broadcasts, publications and radio amateur activities in general, and to purchase, rent, lease and hire all kinds of property, personal, real and mixed for carrying out said purpose.

Article 3  -  Location

Meetings will be held at the Bemis School, 84 Orange Street, Waltham, Massachusetts.

Article 4  -  Membership

Section 1 - All persons having a bona fide interest in amateur radio shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2 - A prospective member must attend two consecutive meetings before his admission to the association.

Section 3 - A new member may be admitted only by a two-thirds vote of the members present.

Section 4 - Upon acceptance, a new member shall be required to read these by-laws.

Section 5 - A member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members present, consisting of a quorum of not less than one half the members of record.

Section 6 - There shall be two classes of membership:

      1. Regular
      2. Honorary

Article 5  -  Elections

Section 1 - Nominations of officers shall be held at the first meeting in November.

Section 2 - Election of officers shall be held at the first meeting in December.

Section 3 - Installation of officers shall be held at the first meeting in January.

Section 4 - Should a vacancy occur between election dates, the vacancy shall be filled by a member who has been elected by the members of the board of directors.

Article 6  -  Officers

Section 1 - All officers shall hold an amateur radio license.

Section 2 - The corporation shall have a president, secretary and a treasurer, who shall also be members of the board of directors. There shall be two additional directors, one of which shall be the trustee.

Section 3 - The president, secretary and treasurer shall hold office for a period of one year.

Section 4 - The remaining two directors shall hold office for a period of five years, this time to run concurrent with the amateur Federal Communications Commission station license.

Section 5 -

Article A - The president shall officiate at all meetings.

Article B - The secretary shall maintain the minutes of all meetings, carry on all correspondence, keep all club records, and perform any other duties as directed by the board of directors. He shall also have available at all meetings a copy of these by laws.

Article C - The treasurer shall have the responsibility of all funds, and make only those expenditures which are authorized by the board of directors and to submit a treasurer's report to the club on the first meeting of every month.

Article D - The trustee shall be responsible for the operation of the club radio station in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations.

Section 6 - Any officers may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members present, consisting of a quorum of not less than one half the members of record.

Article 7  -  Meetings

Section 1 - Except as otherwise provided, meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month, unless this data should be a legal holiday.

Section 2 - The board of directors shall meet at such times as they may by vote determine or at the call of the president.

Section 3 - The secretary shall notify all members of all meetings of the corporation by written notice, mailed postpaid to each member at least three days before the meeting at his recorded address. The secretary shall notify all directors of meeting by a similar notice, mailed at lease three days before meeting time. Notice may be waived by all directors in writing.

Section 4 - Nine members present and voting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5 - Roberts rule of order shall be the parliamentary authority of this corporation.

Article 8  -  Corporation Powers

Section 1 - Except as herein provided the board of directors shall exercise all powers of management of the corporation.

Section 2 - The board of directors may name a membership and such other committee as it sees fit or may act as a committee of the whole. It may delegate to the president the power to appoint any committee. It may provide for a nomination committee in advance of the annual election.

Section 3 - It shall be the policy of the board of directors to consult the members on any matters involving the general welfare and conduct of the corporation, but failure to do so shall not affect the validity of any vote of the board.

Section 4 - Dues shall be two dollars per member payable annually on the first meeting in September shall be assessed one dollar for dues to cover the remaining period.

Section 5 - Members who are in arrears shall be sent a written notice and their membership revoked if dues are not paid within one month from date of notice.

Section 6 - The provisions of Article 8, Sections 4 and 5 shall not apply to members of the armed forces of the United States.

Article 9  -  Seal

Section 1 - The custody of the seal shall remain with the treasurer.

Article 10  -  Amendments

Section 1 - These by laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting the notice of which contains the subject matter of the proposed change. The board of directors or any two members may cause the secretary to include such notice of change in the notice to members.

{Editor's Note:   This document has been re-typed in order to provide a clear image which you can esily read.  Every effort has been taken to assure that every word is exactly that which was adopted, originally.  The original document still exists and is preserved in the club archives.}

Thursday, March 27, 2003