WARA 2019 Club Picnic & Field Day Operation

On Saturday, June 22, 2018, WARA will combine a club picnic and a 4-hour operation in the ARRL Field Day.

Time: 12:00 – 6:00 PM
Location: Sunset Shelter, Prospect Hill Park, Waltham (near the repeater site)

The club provides hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates, napkins, etc. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own (non-alcoholic) drinks and a side or snacks to share.

The FD operation is very laid back, and everyone is welcome to operate.

To learn more about the ARRL Field Day, see www.arrl.org/field-day.

May 29, 2019 Meeting Program: National Radio Company of Malden

The National Company of Malden, Massachusetts was a world class manufacturer of commercial and amateur radio communications equipment from the early 1930’s until the late 1960’s. Their HRO series was used extensively by numerous allies during World War II, and can be credited with helping in the effort to receive coded messages from behind enemy lines. George Maier, W1LSB, will take us through the company’s history, products, and talk about some National employees that he knew personally.

National HRO Receiver

Putting the Repeater Site Internet Service to Use

At the March 27, 2019 WARA meeting, there were discussions and show-and-tell about putting our new repeater site Internet service to good use.  Presently, it is only being used for basic repeater control.  Plans are in the works, with some equipment already assembled, for 900 MHz IRPL repeater linking, putting our APRS node online, and possibly moving the 2M EchoLink connection to the site.  Ned, W1NED, presented some information about these topics, and has made his presentation info available here:  http://copylink.dhs.org/wara/

K1QAR’s Magnetic Loop Antenna Presentation at February 27, 2019 Meeting

Ted Robinson, K1QAR, made an interesting and educational presentation about magnetic loop antennas at our February 27 meeting.  Thanks, Ted!

K1QAR’s presentation

WARA members get a close up look at one of Ted’s magnetic loop antennas.  W1NED is taking a photo of the remotely controlled motor-driven tuning capacitors, and two strings of fixed capacitors, which all work together to present a proper match to the transmitter.

February 27, 2019 Meeting Program Change: Magnetic Loop Antennas

George Maier, W1LSB, has rescheduled his presentation on the National Company of Malden.  The new date is April 24.  George decided that taking a trip to meet his newborn grandchild took precedence over keeping the original date.   Good call, George!

But we have arranged a new program for the February 27 meeting.  Ted Robinson, K1QAR, will give a presentation on High-power Magnetic Loop Design.

February 27, 2019 Meeting Program: National Radio Company of Malden

The National Company of Malden, Massachusetts was a world class manufacturer of commercial and amateur radio communications equipment from the early 1930’s until the late 1960’s. Their HRO series was used extensively by numerous allies during World War II, and can be credited with helping in the effort to receive coded messages from behind enemy lines. George Maier, W1LSB, will take us through the company’s history, products, and talk about some National employees that he knew personally.

National HRO Receiver

WARA Holiday Dinner – December 19, 2018

The Waltham Amateur Radio Association invites all hams and friends for a festive Holiday Dinner! It’s a great time to get that “eyeball” QSO with some of the folks we’ve been talking to all year. Spouses / friends / prospective hams are all welcome! No RSVP necessary. When: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 @ 6:00 PM, Sichuan’s Garden, 411 Waverley Oaks Rd, Waltham, MA 02452. Cost is $25 per person at the door which includes the buffet and 1 ticket for the door prizes. Membership renewal will also gain you an extra ticket for the door prize. The main prize this year will be a $150 gift certificate for Ham Radio Outlet.

There will be no regular (last Wednesday) club meeting in December.  The next regular club meeting will be on January 30, 2019.

Officer Elections & New Newsletter Editor

Officer elections were held at the monthly meeting, Wednesday November 28th 2018.   Ron KG1T has stepped up from VP to President.  Glenn N1GAS has stepped in to fill the VP roll.  Other officers are continuing in their present role.  See About WARA for the updated listing of WARA officers.

Also at the November meeting, George W1LSB volunteered to be our new newsletter editor.  Please support George by submitting stories, photos, technical articles, or anything else of interested to the club.  The next issue will be Spring, 2019.