
Amateur Radio License in a Day – April 21, 2018

Bill Poulin, WZ1L, sent us this informaton:

The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association, CAARA, will be holding a one day study course for those interested in earning the FCC Technician class amateur radio license. This course will be held at the Lanesville Community Center on 8 Vulcan Street in Gloucester, MA on Saturday, April 21st, 2018, from 8:00 AM and going until 4:30 PM. Exams will begin at the end of class.

There is a $20.00 fee for course materials, snacks and the FCC Test Fee. You must sign up beforehand by e-mailing CAARA at

Tech-in-a-Day Flyer

WA1NVC Tests Feasibility of Bringing Internet to Repeater Site

March 4, 2018 – Roger, WA1NVC, investigates the feasibility of bringing Internet service to the repeater site.  It would enable networking of the 900 MHz repeater, and possibly other cool stuff like remote diagnostics.

Roger tried two different cellular data boxes. This one worked the best, especially when tested with the door to this metal radio room closed.
Checking the connection speed… Yes, fast enough for our purposes.

BARC Invitation to MassPort Fire Rescue HQ, 3/15/2018

We received this invitation from Joe Harris N1QD, Boston ARC President and WARA member.

The Boston Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a field trip to tour Massport Fire Rescue HQ at Logan Airport for our March meeting. I’d like to pass along an invitation for WARA members to join us as well!

Here is the blurb from our newsletter:

The March 2018 meeting of the Boston Amateur Radio Club will be held at MassPort Fire Rescue Headquarters, 261 Harborside Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts on Thursday March 15, 2018. A tour of MassPort Fire Department apparatus will commence at 6:45 p.m. followed by Santarpio’s pizza at 7:15 p.m. followed by the General Meeting at 8:00 p.m. Attendance for this event is limited to 25 people.

We will have two speakers at this meeting. They are: Steve Staffier, K1SMS, Communications and Interoperability Manager for Massport and MassPort Fire Rescue Deputy Chief Robert Barnes. Steve will talk about Communications Interoperability and Deputy Barnes has an interesting presentation about MassPort Fire Rescue that he will give.

There is parking available at MassPort Fire Headquarters, 261 Harborside Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts. The Fire Department is located past the Hyatt Hotel. Please park in the marked spaces.

Since we’re literally in the neighborhood, we will have Santarpio’s Pizza for dinner. A suggested donation of $7.50 per person is requested.

There is a space limitation at the facility. We will only be able to accommodate 25 members. If you’re interested in attending this meeting, you will have to send an email to no later than March 7, 2018 indicating your interest in attending. Management reserves the right to cancel the evening if not enough people sign up by the 7th.

This should be an interesting meeting and we hope to see you there.

Welcome to the new Waltham ARA web site. If you were brought here automatically from the old site, please update your browser’s Bookmark / Favorite for WARA to If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this site, please contact us.

Operation “Ice Assault”

The WARA 146.640 MHz repeater will be used this Saturday morning, February 10, 2018, from 10 AM to 12 noon, as part of an emergency communication preparedness exercise.  EMA ARES (Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Emergency Service) will be having an operational exercise simulating a severe ice storm hitting Cape Cod. This will be a Cape Cod and Islands centric exercise, however the entire section will be participating and practicing various communications skills.  For further information, see

Invitation to January 16 CC-ARC Meeting

The Clay Center Amateur Radio Club has invited all WARA members to join them for an evening with Mike Corey KI1U, the ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager.

When: Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Where: The Clay Center at Dexter Southfield School, 20 Newton St, Brookline MA, top floor at the observatory.

Topic: Mike Corey, KI1U, the ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager, will talk about how he led an expedition of 50 volunteers to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria to help with emergency communications.

Hosts: The officers and student members of the Clay Center Amateur Radio Club, a youth and family club of over 340 members and growing, and by New England Amateur Radio, NE1AR, facilitating ham radio education and public service.

Refreshments: Pizza and snacks.
Door Prize: Free pen/toolkit for first 100 people at the event.

RSVP: Email Bob K5TEC, club secretary, for more information or to register.

K1UGM Silent Key

K1UGM Silent Key – Long-time WARA member Jim Morris, K1UGM, has passed away. Among other contributions, Jim donated the equipment for the 64 Echolink.  As a tribute, John, K1BOS, who now houses this equipment, arranged a day of silence for the 64 Echolink.  Jim’s fascinating story is available  at

Jim was 80 years old when he ran up the repeater site ladder like a kid on a jungle gym and helped resolve a problem with the 64 repeater (from Fall 2008 PHI):

WARA Holiday Dinner

WARA Holiday Dinner – The Waltham ARA Holiday Dinner on December 20th was well attended and lots of fun.  The next club meeting will be the regular last-Wednesday meeting on January 31, 2018.  Meeting Information

2017 Holiday Party.  Please help us with the missing calls.  Front L-R:  KC1IKR, K1QAR, WA1CFX, ???, N1JAF, Jackson, ???.  Back L-R:  K1RBC, W1OED, W1NED, KG1T, K1PRE, K1BOS, N1YAN, W1MJ, AB1VF, WA1NVC.  Photo by KC1FUG.

The Jack and Sal Radio Show

“The Jack and Sal Radio Show” – An artistic 04/64 listener named Ruth (that is all we know about her) has sent us this masterpiece of caricature, and provided this name for the commuting-time discussions on our flagship repeater.