Repeater Updates: ’64 EchoLink & 900 MHz P25

The WARA 146.64 MHz repeater now has a connection to EchoLink directly at the repeater site. Roger WA1NVC set up the new equipment, and installed it on December 10 with help from Tom KA1GXR and Eliot W1MJ. The procedure for making EchoLink connections from a radio using DTMF tones has changed – see About / Repeaters.

The 927.1375 MHz repeater now supports P25 digital voice as well as FM. See About / Repeaters.

Roger WA1NVC prepared the equipment for these updates, and installed it over two December site visits with help from Tom KA1GXR and Eliot W1MJ.

Eliot W1MJ snapped this photo of Roger WA1NVC snapping of photo of Tom KA1GXR during one of the December 2024 work parties. The left cabinet houses the 2M and 220 MHz repeaters, the right cabinet houses the 440 MHz and 900 MHz repeaters.

WARA 2019 Holiday Party

A good time was had by all club members and friends at the WARA Holiday Party on December 18, 2019. As it turns out, this was the last such event to be held at Sichuan’s Garden. The restaurant closed not long after the party. No, the closing was not our fault. Please suggest possible locations for the 2020 Holiday Party. (Photo by George Maier, W1LSB)


The New England Division ARRL Conventions, branded in recent years as the Northeast HamXposition, is leaving Boxboro. Starting this year, it will be held at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center, 181 Boston Post Rd., Marlborough, MA. The date has also moved, to the 4th full weekend of July. This year, the dates are July 24, 25, and 26. For more information, see

WARA Holiday Dinner

The Waltham Amateur Radio Association invites all hams and friends for a festive Holiday Dinner! It’s a great time to get that “eyeball” QSO with some of the folks we’ve been talking to all year. Spouses / friends / prospective hams are all welcome! No RSVP necessary.

When: Wednesday, December 18@ 6:00 PM
Where: Sichuan’s Garden, 411 Waverley Oaks Rd, Waltham, MA 02452
Cost: $25 per person at the door which includes the buffet and 1 ticket for the door prizes. Membership renewal will also gain you an extra ticket for the door prize.

See you there!

K1QAR’s Magnetic Loop Antenna Presentation at February 27, 2019 Meeting

Ted Robinson, K1QAR, made an interesting and educational presentation about magnetic loop antennas at our February 27 meeting.  Thanks, Ted!

K1QAR’s presentation

WARA members get a close up look at one of Ted’s magnetic loop antennas.  W1NED is taking a photo of the remotely controlled motor-driven tuning capacitors, and two strings of fixed capacitors, which all work together to present a proper match to the transmitter.

K1UGM Silent Key

K1UGM Silent Key – Long-time WARA member Jim Morris, K1UGM, has passed away. Among other contributions, Jim donated the equipment for the 64 Echolink.  As a tribute, John, K1BOS, who now houses this equipment, arranged a day of silence for the 64 Echolink.  Jim’s fascinating story is available  at

Jim was 80 years old when he ran up the repeater site ladder like a kid on a jungle gym and helped resolve a problem with the 64 repeater (from Fall 2008 PHI):

The Jack and Sal Radio Show

“The Jack and Sal Radio Show” – An artistic 04/64 listener named Ruth (that is all we know about her) has sent us this masterpiece of caricature, and provided this name for the commuting-time discussions on our flagship repeater.