The Waltham Amateur Radio Association is collaborating with the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club for ARRL Field Day 2021 and will be operating under the W1M special event callsign.
Stay posted for updates soon on this page! Also you can sign up here to make sure you receive email announcements for the event.
Bring a chair!
Directions to Crow Island Airpark / MAP
Saturday Cookout Potluck Signup <– Important if you like to eat!
Operation / Hang Out / Let us know you’re coming please! <– Most Important for letting us know if you’re coming to socialize and / or operate and when!
Friday 12:00 Noon – Lunch at Stow Cafe
2:00 PM + Antenna setup at Crow Island
Saturday 9:00 AM – Meet at Crow Island for setup
(will have coffee + snacks)
2:00 PM – Field Day Starts
3:00 PM – Cookout commences
8:00 PM – People get serious on the radios as it gets dark
Sunday all morning will be available to operate, midnight +
5:00 AM Coffee Check
9:00 AM Scrounge up breakfast (Stow Cafe run?)
2:00 PM Field Day Ends
2:00 PM UNTIL COMPLETE – Teardown