Hidden transmitter hunting, also called fox hunting, has enjoyed a resurgence in the Boston area over the past few years. It is an activity that combines amateur radio, exercise, fresh air, and puzzle solving. It can even be turned into a family activity.
The online Waltham ARA meeting on Wednesday evening, April 27, 2022, will feature a fox hunting program, with a goal of bringing new people into this activity. Eliot W1MJ, Jeff AC1JR, and Pat K1PJW will share their experiences – what works, and what doesn’t work – and answer your questions.
While some fox hunters use fancy equipment, we will show you how a transmitter can also be located using only a handheld 2M radio with the “body fade” method.

WARA members will receive a link to the meeting by email. If you are not a WARA member and would like to receive the link, you can SIGN UP HERE.