Celebration of K1UGM’s Life Rhoda Morris, N1CSI, invited Waltham repeater friends of her late husband, Jim Morris, K1UGM, to a celebration of Jim’s life. It was held at the Americal Civic Center in Wakefield, MA, on Saturday, May 5, 2018. Jim was a regular on the 146.64 MHz repeater for many years. If you don’t know Jim and are curious, see http://walthamara.org/2018/01/03/k1ugm-silent-key/. Cover of the program Rhoda, N1CSI, with a photo of Jim, K1UGM On display were some of the replicas of antique scientific equipment that Jim and Rhoda created for a variety of museums. In the front is one of several replicas of Galileo’s telescope. In numerous QSOs on the ’64 repeater, Jim described the painstaking effort he made to achieve a near-perfect replica of the original telescope.